Tuesday, August 3, 2010

If You Don't Grow Up By 35, You Don't Have To Grow Up At All

I once heard that if you don't eventually grow up by the time you're middle aged, you are never really expected to grow up. I thought that it was the greatest excuse in the world to continue playing with toys, whether or not it actually made any sense with regards to the real world. More importantly, I have ten more years to go until I can claim the only eternal youth available outside of whatever cult Andie McDowell is participating in.

I enjoy all sorts of cool things that are generally considered inappropriate for adults because of social etiquette. I have a very expensive video game habit. I love toy cars and trucks of all sizes and shapes, especially r/c models. I like the tangibility of action figures and other models like Transformers. I have what is very close to a Nerf gun fetish.

Now conversely, I probably won't be interested with things that aren't creative in their own right. I don't just play with toys just for the novelty of the experience. If a toy is stupid, I might let you know how bad it is because I relish how unintentionally funny some things are. Plus, I would hate for a parent to buy a cool looking toy for their kid for it to turn out as the biggest piece of crap since the bicycle section of Wal-Mart.

The bottom line: I am not too cool for school when it comes to having fun and I'll do my best to show you where to find it all. Here's to making the world a more fun and interesting place.

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